Movement & Dance

for Toddlers and Grown-Ups

Try one of our popular classes today!

Help your little ones develop musicality, coordination, confidence, independence and friendships in a fun and caring environment.


Baby Wearing Dance Fitness for Mums

18 months – 3 years

Lisa helps strengthen and rehabilitate new mums through dance and pilates based movement. BrainDance exercises are introduced to bubs to establish neurological patterns which will help them with their movement throughout their lives.


Grown-Up & Me

18 months – 3 years

These classes incorporate BrainDance principles and foster a love of movement and music for children while their parents dance with them.  Perfect for children who have started to walk but are still too young to separate from their parent or carer.

Creative Movement

3 – 5 years

These classes build on the foundations laid down in the baby classes.  Entertained through story-telling and song, children are  encouraged to explore their own movement, develop motor skills and to learn about classroom etiquette in a gentle and fun way.

Hip Hop for Boys

3 – 5 years

These fun classes cater specifically for boys’ high energy, raw movement and specific interests. Adapted to be developmentally appropriate, using simplified moves, with the focus on enjoying dance, building motor skills, and laying a foundation for future dance experiences.

To confirm availability in the class of your choice

call us on 0435 293 748
